You can use your voucher in any of our seven counties, but you must live in the county you select for a minimum of one year before you can transfer your housing assistance to a new unit. After the first year, you can choose to transfer to another unit either within the same county or another county within our region. You may also "port out" to any area in the United States that has a rental assistance program, if the receiving housing authority will agree to accept your voucher.

If the county you have in mind is outside our seven-county region, you should apply instead with the housing authority that covers that area.

The NRHA is committed to ensuring our applicants are taken care of to the best of our ability. This process requires us to gather and verify a lot of your information so that we can effectively determine your eligibility and need for assistance. We thank you for your patience and understanding in this process. 

Your rights as a tenant are important and we encourage everyone to learn them. View your official tenant rights in the state of North Carolina.

The NRHA will not provide additional screening information to the owner, unless the NRHA owned and/or managed a dwelling unit previously to the family and only when additional screening information has been requested by the prospective owner or by his/her agent. 

You should immediately contact the office where you applied and update your information. This will ensure that you receive any mailings regarding your application. Failure to do so could result in having your name eliminated from the waiting list if we're unable to reach you when necessary.